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About Us

Kids in Technology Class

​Our Mission:
To bring to life the joy of discovery and ignite a lifelong love of learning for children,  families, and school groups.


Our Vision:
To be a leader in our community inspiring families to learn and grow together.

Tree Fort Board Members

 The Tree Fort Children's Museum Board Members work hard to craft an engaging and dynamic environment for children to learn and explore. Our child-centered approach helps children discover and develop their own interests while they play, learn, and grow with us in a safe and nurturing environment.



Since filing as a non-profit in November 2017, Tree Fort has been providing children with opportunities to learn and grow through play. Our first board meeting took place the following month, and we hit the ground running with our first event, a Dino Extravaganza. The response we received was overwhelming, and we quickly began planning for our next gathering, the Snow Much Fun event. From there, we have continued to develop new experiences and educational opportunities for children of all ages. After receiving several sponsorships, allowing us to offer mini pop ups and events-- we popped up at the Moses Lake Air Show.


In June 2019 the Tree Fort Children’s Museum was awarded a $4000 grant from the Columbia Basin Foundation to build our exhibits and replenish supplies.


After much thought and planning, we moved into our space at the Obra Project in downtown Moses Lake. This has enabled us to provide an independent play space to the public, as well as host monthly pop up events. 


Our dinosaur exhibit has been running since September of 2023. 


We are excited about the forward progress of The Tree Fort Children’s Museum! We will continue to pop-up around town with activities for families, and will continue our administration efforts to grow our exhibits and organization to reach the goals outlined in our 5-year plan.

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